Why do I need a Landing Page?

danejLanding PagesLeave a Comment

Landing pages are used to convert visitors into leads. It is the page that your visitors land on. There are several elements that you want to include in every landing page, including the headline and a strong call to action.

Create content that is more personal. Customize the delivery of you content by creating unique landing pages for each topic that you cover.

There are many tools that allow you to create landing pages in seconds. Most editors are in the browser so you won’t need to learn any code.

Have a compelling call to action that tells the visitor what to do. Avoid the ambiguous “submit” button. If you do free quotes, tell the visitor to “get your free quote.”

Keep your landing page simple. Offer something very specific in exchange for the visitors name, phone, and email.

After you receive their email, you can email them other items that they may need to know.

The hero shot is a visual representation of your service or product. Place it above the form to help visitors immediately recognize what they are going to get.

Use landing pages to increase your visitor to lead conversion ratio.

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